Friday, May 13, 2011

Defy the Grind

“Amrita!  I’m so sick of grinding my Gladiator!   What is a Hero to do?!”

“Diversify of courrrse!”

Seriously folks, I read about so many people upset that there isn’t anything for their Rank 50 [Job] to do…  Or that they hate to grind.
If it isn’t fun, why oh why are you doing it?!
Fear not, I’m here with some hits and suggestions.
The first one being, Diversify!
    Try out harvesting with one of the Disciples of the Land.  If that gets stale, try out one of the crafty classes from Disciples of the Hand to make use of those materials you gathered.

    Re-visit lower level leve’s.  Some of them reward you with rank 1 weapons.  Now you can try out another job for FREE! :D

    Do some spring cleaning with your Retainer.  Lower rank gear still there and taking up valuable space?  Find a nice newbie or someone from your linkshell to give that old gear to.  The gratitude you receive for such acts is priceless.

    Help others! :D  Don’t be afraid to interact with strangers.  Try using a /joy or /cheer emote when someone nearby ranks up.  They will probably respond.  Strike up a conversation with them about the job they just ranked up on.  Maybe the two of you can team up and adventure! ^_^
If you know the answer to a question someone is shouting about, answer nicely.  If you need to, ask questions too!  What is a Final Fantasy MMO without a kind community?  :/
Remember:  Just a little bit of kindness can go a long way! :D

    Helping others could lead you to find a nice Linkshell with fun & friendly members.  You would be amazed how the dynamic changes when you have kind people to adventure with.

“But Amrita!  I’m only rank 20 and everyone else in my LS is 30… even 40 or higher!”

“That’s totally teh coolz!  I’m only around rank 20ish myself.  Sometimes I miss out on joining them for a 
party because I’m too low, but they still invite me, which I appreciate.”

“How nice of them…  but don’t you get bored?!”

“Not really! :D  I diversify.  I dabble in all the different Disciples and my reward for that is being able to fix gear for friends and strangers alike.  Plus make new pieces for the newbie folks I meet.  That’s the most fun I have, for sure!  Serving others brings greater joy then any item or rank-up ever could. :D”

“I don’t know if I can agree with you there…”
“That’s okay.  It certainly is pretty hard to cultivate selflessness.  Not everybody can do that.  If you try though, you just might be surprised at the feeling you glean from it.  Heck, I sometimes even get caught up in getting that next crafting rank so I can make myself something spiffy.  But then I stop myself and say, surely the twelve will provide if that’s what I really need.”

“That seems kind of silly…”

“I bet it does.  Here’s the thing, though.  I thought perhaps I needed a new robe, but I couldn’t yet make the canvas to create one.   I decided that my cotton frock would just have to do for Conjuror.  Then I went to pick up some leve’s and found that the reward for one of them was a Blue Canvas Robe!  A few days later I had joined a friend for some leve’s.  He remarked that he had a hat to match my robe and then let me borrow it.  When the time came to return the hat, he insisted that I keep it!  I didn’t even have to ask.  He just decided to do it.  So there is proof for you that the twelve will find a way to provide if you are patient.”

“Heh…  That’s interesting.  Maybe there is something to that notion of selflessness…”

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