Monday, May 16, 2011

Linkshell “lulz”; Meet Valhalla Valkyries

I speak highly of my Linkshell, Valhalla Valkyries.  I’ve even shown you a sample of the fun we have together as a group (Naked LS Behest).  But I haven’t really introduced anybody!  So without further delay, I present a snippet of member close-ups, fooling around and general “lulz”.
I’ll begin with our leaders:
D (aka “The Dude”) and his wife Baby (aka “Baby Cakes”, “B-cakes”, “BC”)

Both of them are fun and helpful.  Like the day D invited me to do some leves…  

Oh wait, I should also mention that sometimes he is a little creepy.

I don't have a lot of solo pictures, but here are the few I do have ^.^
Gaia!  (Unofficial) Official LS Mom.
Canni, up close and personal.  Wow he’s BIG! O_o
Kat, who I found roaming at one of the camps near Limsa.

We also have some amusing conversations sometimes…  

And if you think the more spiritual oriented among us don’t know how to screw around:

 I had to get him back for groping me, right? ;P

All in fun and love <3

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Hello Everyone! >^_^<

We interrupt this blog to bring you...

Hails from Hydaelyn Episode 2 "Who are you again?"

So check it out and support the podcast team! <3 Okies? Thanks!
My friend Auro is the 3rd caller :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

To Japan with Love

I'm sure the general FFXIV community will agree when I say that we as a whole are behind those in Japan involved in this terrible event.

Our collective hearts go out to all in Japan and those elsewhere who have friends & family living in Japan.

Some may say that well-wishes alone are not enough. Get up and do something.
Well, I believe sending good feeling can make a difference. Knowing someone wishes you well, or if you are religious, that people are praying for you, certainly is a source of comfort in such tough times.

If you have the resources to contribute money, that is wonderful, but let's not give any less credit to uplifting thoughts as well.
I think everything helps. So please continue with whatever manner of support you can muster.

At first I wasn't going to do any of my planned blog updates. I thought it might seem selfish to do so, but today I thought... well I imagine people might like to read something more light-hearted so I hope no one misunderstands my choice to continue with stories and "Fan Service".
I have a lot of stuff written that I just haven't gotten around to editing & organizing XD lol.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Communication Breakdown

Off the wall Linkshell events sure are fun!  So are serious regular ones, like getting together for leve’s or even touring the realm to visit as many camps as possible.
The great big downside to all that…  Getting the word out!
Linkshell leaders and event planners can’t be around every waking hour of the day and night to clue in members to upcoming events.
“Check the farking forum” you say?  Well some people are super casual.  They don’t see the need or have any desire to have to go outside of Eorzea to find out what the up-and-coming events are.

“Tell me about it Am!  How are people going to know about the World Tour II event you have coming up this week….”

“Beats me Mr. D...  Word of mouth is okay, but we don’t always see everyone.”

“Nope, and I get tired of repeating myself… If only there was a way to communicate a message to the linkshell members when they equipped the shell.”

“Yes indeed, Mr. D, if only there was some magical message that would appear… “

“But what oh what would it be called…”

“Hmmmm  critical thinking here… I wonder…”


LINKSHELL MESSAGE  also known as /lsmes

Wooohoo!  Wouldn’t that be great for the casual member and “hard core” player alike?!
Please SE, for the love of the Twelve, I don’t ask for this for myself but for the ENTIRE FFXIV COMMUNITY.  Give us /lsmes <3 !!!! <3 !!!!!

That is all.

Naked LS Behest!

What’s more fun than getting together with your LS for Behest?  Stripping down, that’s what!
The lovely members of Valhalla Valkyries decided to make a little LS event to try and slay a Goobbue.  We gathered together in Limsa and headed out.  While we did put up a valiant effort…  for several tries…  somehow that dang thing kept beating us!  His sneeze attack KO’d us every time! LOL  Maybe that Gobbue needs to try neti pot? :/
Anyway, after admitting defeat for real we were gathered together at the lowbie camp when a Battlewarden showed up.  BEHEST!
We were all on our highest ranking jobs though…  Perhaps if we stripped?
It was decided that was a fabulous idea, so we began peeling off robes, pants, tunics and subligar.  Then we all changed to our lowest ranked jobs and headed out.

So you see, it’s the simple and silly things that really make me smile.  Give it a try with your ls and see how much fun you can have defying the grind! :D
In fact, if you do that or any other seemingly silly linkshell event, please tell your tale and post some pics!  I’d love to read about how other people find fun defying the grind. ^_^