Saturday, June 4, 2011

Moon Phases & You; Crafting Correlation?

Every now and then, I wonder if the moon phases change the outcome of synthesis.  Aarik once mentioned that he thought different phases of the moon affected different crafts differently.  I’ve always wanted to test this, but haven’t really been able to get a group of people together for an (un)official test of Aarik’s theory.  I have, however, found some linkshell members to briefly interview.   Red Skyfire was my first victim—erm I mean subject.  He is an alchemist.

<Amrita> Red, do you find with any frequency; that during certain moon phases synths will fail more often? Ones that perhaps during some other phase of the moon would be "easy".

<Red> The moon makes crafting hard and harder. There is no easy moon phase

<Amrita> lol I like that answer!^^

<Red > Full is the best time to try for +1, 2, 3.

<Amrita > And for alchemy, which moon phase seems to be the worst?

<Red > I don’t know.  They are all about the same…  I just lost 160 Durability before I could get to 60%.

<Amrita > o.O  So the only difference you see is during full moon?

<Red> I get more +1s.

<Amrita> Ah okay. ^^

<Amrita> There is a theory running around that says one is more apt to fail during new moon.

<Red> I don’t know…

<Amrita> Okay.  Any secret-ish advice for crafting that you might want to toss out there?

<Red> Take lots o’ breaks.

<Amrita> <3 that answer Red!  Thank you for your time! >^^<

Next I talked to Baby Cakes.

<Amrita> Baby~~ ^^ You're an avid crafter :3 mind if I ask you some questions?

<Baby> I don't think that's an accurate statement, but sure.

<Amrita> Well you craft… >.>  With.. say, semi-frequency?

<Baby> Yes...  I'm goal oriented ^^

<Amrita> lol ^^  Which craft would you call your most adept thus far?

<Baby> Speaking of which...  I logged on to get rank 40 GSM!

<Amrita> Woohoo!

<Baby> So that is my most "adept" I guess.

<Amrita> Do you find with any frequency; that during certain moon phases synths will fail more often?  Ones that would otherwise typically be successful.

<Baby> I don't know about failing, but I definitely believe in that full moon....HQ thing.

<Amrita> Yeah, Red mentioned that too.^^

<Baby> I don't really pay much attention to my fail rate...  I'm not that into it.

<Amrita> I remember a theory that new moon = more unstable elements or failures, so I'm trying to see if anybody has noticed that.

<Baby> Yes....but I've learned to control my unstables.

<Amrita> You have? How so?

<Baby> I'm much better at it, lots of waits.  If you do 2 waits on an unstable sometimes it'll resolve.

<Amrita> Ah okay, that's good advice. ^^

<Baby> If it doesn't...  Maybe I'll do standard then wait again.

<Amrita> Its funny, I feel like I pay more attention to breaks and fails then I do HQs.

<Baby> Better than getting 20 dura knocked off.

<Amrita> Yeah!

As for me, at 32, my weaver is highest, which isn’t really “high”, but I have noticed more frequent unstable elements and seemingly random failures during new moon.  I have HQ’d some items, but it usually happens when I’m making a bunch of some item and when I go to sell them, I find an HQ in the bunch. XD  So it’s quite possible that happened on a full moon, because I seem to do the “power” crafting around the full moon.
Thank you to Red and Baby for their time!
I would love for readers to weigh in on this as well!


  1. Interesting theory, I will have to check this out. to be honest I never even look up to the corner where the moon is on my UI, I will from now on.

  2. I've noticed lately that if it's a synth several ranks below my current rank, no problems. It's when I'm trying something near my current rank that I seem to get a lot of "unstable" cropping up.
